Frosty the film

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! The first actual post on this blog. Super exciting. I already received some comments and endorsements from people who stumbled on the blog so far. Which is great. Thank you. The support feels good, and special. Very special. I mean, 2 to 3 visitors per day makes it sort of personal. I spent my evenings checking out the website stats and going full creep-mode on those visitors. How did they get to this blog? From which country? Oh look! They have a 360x780 px screen! Fascinating. Just kidding.
So, what is the first blog post about? Well, I promised nerdy content about the plant watering system I'm building. But. Winter came. Siberian winds from the East brought a week of snow and frost to The Netherlands. Within a day the entire country was covered in snow. So, there was no way I was staying in to write blog posts about nerdy stuff. Outside was the place to be.
We enjoyed every tiny bit of the conditions. We went skiing, biking and even boating in the snow.

As the sub zero temperatures settled on Dutch territory. Something else started forming: ice. Now, ice is interesting. It is a fascinating cultural phenomenon of The Netherlands. It makes the Dutch go crazy. The possibility of skating on natural ice will dominate the news at the first hint of temperatures dropping below freezing point. And when the ice has finally formed, half the country will drop whatever it's doing. Grandpa's old ice skates are retrieved from the attic. With the dust and rust still on them, people hop on the ice and forget about the life they had one hour ago.
This year the conditions were even more interesting. Heavy rainfall in the Alps made the rivers in The Netherlands burst their banks and flood the floodplains. The Siberian weather conditions reached the country when the water levels were almost at their highest point. In a matter of days the canals, lakes ánd the floodplains were completely frozen. A paradise revealed itself with ice for as far as the eye could see. Thick enough for skating. Accompanied by blue skies and a spring sun.
I borrowed some ice skates, armed myself with my filming gear and we went out. To explore and experience these unique conditions. A true adventure which resulted in a short film: Frosty.